We recognize a shared responsibility to protect our planet. As such, reducing our environmental footprint and contributing to the reduction of the environmental footprint of the aviation industry, through our products and services, is one of our key objectives. We are committed to promoting circular economy whenever practical, to using sustainable resources and sourcing responsibly.
In 2021 we made the decision to embark, under the ALVEST banner, on the United Nations Global Compact Program as a member of their French Chapter.
The UN Global Compact aims to mobilize a global movement of companies and stakeholders to create a more sustainable world we want. The vision is to promote responsible business though the aligning of strategies and operations with ten principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption policies. The compact will also promote strategic actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.
Following a year of intense work with all teams involved in the company, we have been in the position to submit our first “COP” or “Communication on Progress” to the United Nations Global Compact.
From design to manufacturing to commercializing, TLD, an ALVEST group company, is committed to follow the path laid by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as detailed in our Group Environmental, Social and Governance Principles. We pride ourselves in serving this purpose with the greatest care for our global eco-system.
You can review our involvement with the United Nations Global Compact by downloading our full ESG policy and Communication On Progress (COP) report using the below buttons.