Following-up on the accelerated growth of the Alvest group in the past decade, TLD continues to develop its market share by expanding its service & support capabilities across the world.

To further develop the capabilities of the group in 2017, the group management associated with Sargard, Ardian and CDPQ acquired ALVEST from Sagard.

For the past fives years, TLD has heavily invested in its production assets with the opening of a new factory in Shanghai and phase two of the recently built factory in Wuxi in China and the extension of both the Sherbrooke factory (Canada) as well as the Saint-Lin facility (France).

These manufacturing commitments allowed TLD to further develop the technologies of the future GSE, particularly with the growth of its TaxiBot manufacturing activity and the launch of TractEasy – the one and only high-driving automation, Level 4 autonomy that does not require any human interaction in the vehicle’s operation. TractEasy® is today operating in several airports, cargo operations and factories.

Additionally, on the road to autonomous and safer GSE, TLD launched what is now a standard on the ramp, the ASD (Aircraft Safe Docking) and ASD+ technologies allowing any GSE to safely approach and dock an aircraft to prior to performing its duty.

Alvest growth continued in 2017 with the acquisition of AEROSPECIALTIES in the US, and again in 2019 with the acquisition of LEBRUN in Belgium and POWERVAMP in England.

These strategic acquisitions contributed largely to reinforce TLD’s goal to help aviation become Leaner & Greener. To that extent TLD had been developing a complete range of GSE with electric drivelines for more than 20 years. From a pioneer at the beginning of the century, TLD has become a leader with the majority of its sales made on electric GSE from 2020 on. To support this surge in electric GSE demand, TLD has developed it own battery system, iBS®, a unique Li-Ion system that is so optimized that it can work without cooling, even in the Middle East.

Last year we made the choice to embark, under the ALVEST banner, on the United Nations Global Compact Program as a member of their French Chapter.

Following a year of intense work with all teams involved in the company, we have been in the position to submit our first “COP” or “Communication on Progress” to the United Nations Global Compact.

From design to manufacturing to commercializing, TLD, an ALVEST group company, is committed to follow the path laid by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as detailed in our Group Environmental, Social and Governance Principles. We pride ourselves in serving this purpose with the greatest care for our global eco-system.

Today, TLD is proud to offer the most extensive network in the GSE industry, with 10 factories and more than 45 sales & service offices dedicated to customer support and the continued promotion of Leaner & Greener GSE.